Sunday, November 4, 2012

Software architecture- IIIrd Internal Question Bank


1 a) Explain the benefits and liabilities of microkernel pattern.

  b) Enumerate the implementation steps of reflection pattern.

2 a) What are the steps involved in implementing the microkernel system?

b) What are the benefits and liabilities of reflection architecture patterns?

3 a) List and explain the participating components of a microkernel pattern.

b) Explain the known uses of reflection pattern.

4 a) Discuss on the benefits and liabilities offered by Microkernel pattern.

b) Give detailed explanation on the different known applications offered by the reflection pattern.

5 a) Explain in brief, the components comprising the structure of microkernel architectural pattern.

b) With an example, explain when the reflection architectural pattern is used. What are its benefits?


1 a) What are the three steps for choosing views for a project?

  b) Write a note on view catalog.

  c) What are the options for representing connectors and systems in UML?

2 a) Explain with a neat diagram, the evolutionary delivery life cycle model.

b) What are the suggested standard organization points for interface documentation?

3 a) List the steps of ADD.

b) Write a note on creating a skeletal system.

c) What are the uses of architectural documentation? Bring out the concept of view as applied to architectural documentation.

4 a) Briefly explain the different steps performed while designing an architecture using the ADD method.

b) Write short notes on : i) Forming team structures      ii) Documenting across views

iii) Documenting interfaces.

5 a) Explain the steps involved in designing an architecture, using the attribute driven design.

  b) “Architecture serves as a communication vehicle among stakeholders. Documentation facilitates that communication” Justify.

Friday, October 5, 2012

SA-IInd Internal

II nd Internal Question Bank-Computer Science & Engg

1)                  What do you mean by Architectural Pattern? How is it categorized? Explain with examples?

2)                  Explain the context, problem and solution for Layered Pattern?

3)                  Explain the implementation of Layered Pattern?

4)                  Explain the dynamic behaviors of Layered Application Pattern?

5)                  Explain the set of forces which influences on the solution of layered pattern.

6)                  Explain the benefits and consequences of Layered Pattern.

7)                  Define Pipes and Filters pattern? Explain with an example?

8)                  Explain the solution structure of pipes and filters?

9)                  Discuss the consequences of pipes and filters?

10)              Discuss the various scenarios of Pipes and Filters with a neat diagram.

11)              Discuss the benefits and liabilities of pipes anf filters?

12)              With a CRC card, explain the structures of Broker Architecture?

13)              Discuss the various steps involved in implementation of Blackboard?

14)              Explain the solution structures of Blackboard?

15)              What do you mean by Distributed System? Why is it Important? Explain with an example?

16)              What is Broker Architecture? What are the steps involved in implementation of broker Architecture?

17)              Discuss the dynamic behaviors of Broker Architecture?

18)              Explain the implementation of MVC?

19)              Explain the structural components of PAC with a CRC card?

20)              What is MVC? Discuss context, problem and solution of MVC?

21)              Write short notes on : HEARSAY-II and TEE and JOIN PIPELINE SYSTEM.

22)              Explain the various scenarios of PAC?

23)              Define PAC? Explain context, problem and solution of it?

24)              Explain the solution structure for MVC? How they are related?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Software Architecture---- Ist internal Question Bank

Software Architecture            06IS72                                Computer Science & Engg-7th Sem


1.    Define software architecture. How the architecture business cycle works with a neat diagram?


2.    Explain where do architectures come from?


3.    Explain the different steps involved in the architectural activities.


4.    What makes a good architecture? Name the two major recommendations and list down the process recommendations.


5.    With a neat diagram explain what does software architecture tells and what it is not.


6.    Explain about architectural pattern, reference models and reference architecture with a neat diagram.


7.    Briefly explain importance of software architecture? Elaborate that architecture is the vehicle for stakeholder communication.


8.    Differentiate between software architecture structures and views. Briefly explain different types of software structures.


9.    Define architectural styles. List the common architectural styles.


10. Explain the following:   I) Pipes and Filters    ii) Data Abstraction


11. Discuss about the implicit invocation. List the benefits and liabilities.


12. Explain layered system and repositories.


13. Define the following: I) Controlled Variable ii) Set Point     iii) Open Loop System

iv) Feedback control system    v) Feedforward control system


14. Explain process control organization style. Explain open- and closed- loop control.


15. State the problem of KWIC index system. Explain the abstract data type and implicit invocation solutions with a neat sketch.


16. Explain the instrumentation software with all possible solutions with a neat diagram.


17. Define the problem of mobile robotics and discuss the design considerations.


18. Explain the solutions of layered solution and blackboard architecture in mobile robotics.


19. Briefly describe the cruise control system.


20. With a neat diagram explain the three vignettes in mixed style.


21. What is a quality attribute scenario? List the parts of such a scenario. Distinguish between availability scenarios and modifiability scenarios.


22. Explain how faults are detected and prevented.


23. Explain the business qualities.


24. What do you mean by tactics? Explain the availability tactics with a neat diagram.




Monday, May 7, 2012

Third Internal Question Bank(CG)

Computer Graphics and Visualization-06CS65-IIIrd Internal Question Bank

1)  Explain light-matter interaction and give its classification into three groups. How it is modeled using BRDF.

2)  Give the expression for the intensity of light from a surface illuminated by many light sources using the phong lighting model. How is this modified by the calculation of the halfway vector in the blinn-phong model.

3)  Give the different types of light sources along with a possible modeling method in each case.

4)  How are normals calculated for a plane? How do you calculate normal for a surface described implicitly by a function f(x,y,z)?

5)  How do you specify material properties in OpenGL? How can you specify material properties using a single function call.

6)  Give a program for approximation of a sphere by recursive subdivision where each sphere is drawn using a tessellation of triangles. The sphere should be shaded by specifying appropriate normals.

7)  Explain and differentiate flat, smooth and phong shading.

8)  How are light sources specified and enabled in openGL. How do you handle distant light sources. How do you specify local viewer and shading both the sides.

9)  Explain the four major tasks in a graphics pipeline.

10)Describe the cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm with the method of encoding points.

11)How do you clip a line using liang-barsky parametric line clipping algorithm.

12)Explain sutherland-hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm using as many diagrams as possible.

13)Describe Bresenham's Algorithm to scan convert a line.

14)Differentiate between object-space and image space approaches to hidden surface removal. Give a short description of Scan-line Area Filling.(Pertains to 9th lab program)

15)Describe the Z-Buffer algorithm to remove hidden surfaces.

16)Write short notes on
          a) Back face removal
          b) Depth Sort algorithm
          c) Painter's algorithm  
          d) Anti-Aliasing

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Second Internal Question Bank(Computer Graphics and Visualization)

1) How do you implement menus in OpneGL. Write code for a multilevel menu with options of quit and resize. Resize is a submenu with options of increase square size and decrease square size.

2) Write fragments of OpenGL code to draw and rotate it when left button is pressed and stop rotation when middle button is pressed (without calling glRotatef).

3) When do you make use of double buffering? How to use double buffering? How do you force a draw into both the front and back buffer.

4) Explain the use of a timer. How do you make use of a timer function to call the display at a constant rate irrespective of machine clock frequency.

5) Write an OpenGL C program to draw small squares wherever the Left Mouse Button is clicked. The program should terminate when Right Mouse Button is pressed. The 'Init' function should initialize the viewport and view volume to default values and 'Reshape' function should reset them for new values of window size.

6) a) How do you register a function for mouse motion callback?

b) How do you register a function for keyboard callback?

c) How do you register a function for Idle callback?

d) How do you create multiple windows and draw in them?

 7) Create a menu( with options quit,increase font size and decrease font size)and attach it to the right mouse button. Write the associated callback function. How do you create a submenu called resize (with options increase square size and decrease square size) and attach it to the right mouse button.

8)a)Describe operations in affine space such as vector-vector addition, point-point subtraction and point-vector addition.
b) What does an affine sum such as Q=P+ α*v mean. If  P={1,2,3},α=0.2,v={1,1,0}Calculate Q. Generalize this to addition of two points. Also Define what is a convex hull.

9) How do you form specification of a plane passing through three points P, Q, R using parameters α, β. How can you define equation of a plane using it surface normal n.

10) Derive the transformation matrix to transform a point from world coordinate system (v1,v2,v3) into camera coordinate system(u1,u2,u3). If for example u1=v1,
               u3=v1+v2+v3 How is a vector {1, 2, 3} transformed from (v1, v2, v3) into (u1, u2, u3).

11) How do you specify order of vertices for drawing an inward facing and outward facing polygon.

12) Give the data structure to store a cube as an array of pointers to vertex-list.

13) How do you color the faces of a cube using bi-linear interpolation. What if the four vertices of the face do not lie in the same plane.

14) How can a cube be drawn using less number of function calls. Give the complete program to spin the cube while the program is idle whereas the cube is drawn using vertex arrays.

15) Derive the transformation matrices for translation, rotation and scaling in 3D using homogeneous coordinates.

16) Derive the composite transformation matrix for rotation w.r.t. z axis about a fixed point in 3D.

17) Derive the composite transformation matrix to transform a window defined by points (xmin, ymin) and (xmax, ymax) to a viewport defined by points (xvmin,yvmin)and (xvmax, yvmax).(Hint: Perform translation,scaling and translation in that order)

18) Derive the composite transformation matrix for rotating a cube centered at point p0 by angle θ w.r.t an axis defined by the line joining points p1, p2. (repeated twice)

19) How do you rotate an object w.r.t a fixed point (4,5,6) about a line through the origin and the point (1,2,3) using OpenGL functions.

20) a)If three transformations of translation, rotation and translation are specified in order what is the order of their execution.
b) Which functions can modify the modelview matrix.

21) How can you implement a virtual trackball using a 2D input device like the mouse.

22) How are smooth rotations (w.r.t x,y,z axis) and incremental rotations implemented.

23) What are quaternions? Find the quaternion’s for 90-degree rotations about x- and y-axes. Determine their product.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

1st internal Question Bank(Computer Graphics & Visualization)

Computer Graphics and visualization                                
1)    List out four major areas of applications of computer graphics and explain each one of them.

2)    Draw the five major elements of a graphics system and explain.

3)    Describe a pin-hole camera and derive the size of images generated. Compare this with the human visual system.

4)    Explain the sythetic-camera model with diagrams. What do the following terms mean

i) Projectors     ii) Center of Projection    iii) Projection Plane   iv) Clipping Window

5)    Draw the application programmers model of graphics system. What functions are supported by the pen plotter model and the raster based model. How do you specify a three dimensional view.

6)    a) Explain the modeling-rendering paradigm.
      b) Draw and explain the display processor architecture.
      c) Briefly describe the pipeline architecture.

7)    a) Describe the four major steps in a graphics pipeline.
      b) What are programmable pipelines.
      c) How do you characterise the performance of a pipeline.

8)    a) Give an algorithm to generate the sierpinski gasket.
     b) Give the general form of any graphics program.
     c) Give the general structure of an OpenGL C program.

9)    a) Write an OpenGL C program to generate the sierpinski gasket.
      b) Write a short note on coordinate systems.

10) Give the seven major groups of OpenGL Graphics Functions and explain each group.

11) a) Comment about graphics pipeline and state machines.
      b) Write about the Open GL libraries and their organization.

12) a) Draw and explain a simplified OpenGL pipeline.
      b) How do you draw points, lines and polylines in OpenGL.

13) a) What are the three properties a polygon must have in order to be displayed correctly.
      b) How do you draw polygons,triangles,quadrilaterals,strips and fans in OpenGL.
      c) What are the attributes of points, line segments,polygons and stroke text.

14) Give the program to approximate a Sphere with quadrilaterals and triangle fans.

15) a) Describe Stroke text and Raster text. How is Raster text displayed on screen. How can          you increase the size of raster characters.
     b) How are curved objects drawn.

16) a) What is three color theory. Differentiate additive color and subtractive color model.
      b) Draw a color cube and name the vertices with colors. What do you call the set of colors    produced by one device.

17)  a) How do you specify color using RGB values.
       b) Calculate the size of an image with 1280 x 1024 pixels with 24 bits per pixel. How many   colors can such pixels represent.
      c) How do you specify indexed color using a color lookup table. How do you set the entries in a color table.

18) a) How do you specify a viewing volume for orthographic projections.
      b) How do you specify a clipping rectangle for two dimesional viewing.
      c) Comment about matrix modes GL_PROJECTION and GL_MODELVIEW.

19) a) Describe the control functions used to control the appearence of window on a display.
      b) How do you specify a viwport?
       c) How do you register a function display for callback. What are the events that trigger the display callback.

20) Write an OpenGL program to draw a three-dimensional gasket using recursive subdivision.

21) How do you plot an implicit function such as x2+y2-1=0 using marching squares technique. Describe at least one case of the 16 cases.

22) Write a short note each on various physical input devices.

23) a) Write a short note on categorization of logical input devices.
      b) Briefly describe the three input modes with diagrams.

24) What are display lists? How do you define and execute them in OpenGL. How do you ensure         that a display list does not change the attributes. How can you create multiple lists and call        them with a single function call.

 Please think about how questions can be answered in a concise way.