Monday, May 7, 2012

Third Internal Question Bank(CG)

Computer Graphics and Visualization-06CS65-IIIrd Internal Question Bank

1)  Explain light-matter interaction and give its classification into three groups. How it is modeled using BRDF.

2)  Give the expression for the intensity of light from a surface illuminated by many light sources using the phong lighting model. How is this modified by the calculation of the halfway vector in the blinn-phong model.

3)  Give the different types of light sources along with a possible modeling method in each case.

4)  How are normals calculated for a plane? How do you calculate normal for a surface described implicitly by a function f(x,y,z)?

5)  How do you specify material properties in OpenGL? How can you specify material properties using a single function call.

6)  Give a program for approximation of a sphere by recursive subdivision where each sphere is drawn using a tessellation of triangles. The sphere should be shaded by specifying appropriate normals.

7)  Explain and differentiate flat, smooth and phong shading.

8)  How are light sources specified and enabled in openGL. How do you handle distant light sources. How do you specify local viewer and shading both the sides.

9)  Explain the four major tasks in a graphics pipeline.

10)Describe the cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm with the method of encoding points.

11)How do you clip a line using liang-barsky parametric line clipping algorithm.

12)Explain sutherland-hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm using as many diagrams as possible.

13)Describe Bresenham's Algorithm to scan convert a line.

14)Differentiate between object-space and image space approaches to hidden surface removal. Give a short description of Scan-line Area Filling.(Pertains to 9th lab program)

15)Describe the Z-Buffer algorithm to remove hidden surfaces.

16)Write short notes on
          a) Back face removal
          b) Depth Sort algorithm
          c) Painter's algorithm  
          d) Anti-Aliasing