Computer Graphics and Visualization-10CS65 -
I st internal Question Bank
List out four major areas of applications of
computer graphics and explain each one of them.(E,I)
Draw the five major elements of a graphics
system and explain.(E,I)
Describe a pin-hole camera and derive the size
of images generated. Compare this with the human visual system.(E,I)
Explain the Sythetic-Camera model with diagrams.
What do the following terms mean
i) Projectors ii) Center of Projection iii) Projection Plane iv) Clipping Window(E,I)
Draw the application programmers model of
graphics system. What functions are supported by the pen plotter model and the
raster based model.(E,I)
a) Explain the modeling-rendering paradigm.(D)
b) Draw and Explain the Display
Processor Architecture.(E)
a) Describe the four major steps in a Graphics
b) What are Programmable
Give an algorithm to generate the 2D sierpinski
gasket by plotting points.(E)
Write an OpenGL C program to generate the 2D sierpinski
gasket by recursive subdivision of triangles.(I)
10) Give
the seven major groups of OpenGL Graphics Functions and explain each group.(E,I)
11) Write about the Open GL libraries and their
12) Draw and explain a simplified OpenGL pipeline.(E)
13) How do you draw basic geometric primitives (Points,
Lines, Polylines, Polygons, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Strips and Fans) in
14) a) What are the three properties a polygon must have in
order to be displayed correctly.(E,I)
b) What are the attributes of
points, line segments, polygons and stroke text.(D)
15) Describe Stroke text and Raster text. Describe functions(APIs)
to draw text in each case.(E,I)
16) What is Three Color Theory. Differentiate Additive Color
and Subtractive Color model.(I)
17) a) How do you
specify Color using RGB values.(I)
b) How do you
specify Indexed Color using a Color Lookup Table. How do you set the entries in
a Color table. (I)
18) a) How do you specify a viewing volume for Orthographic
b) How do you
specify a clipping rectangle for Two-Dimesional Viewing.(E)
19) a) Describe the control functions used to control the
appearence of window on a display.(D)
b) How do you specify a viewport?(E)
c) How do you register a
function display for callback. What are the events that trigger the display
20) Write an OpenGL program to draw a three-dimensional Sierpinski
gasket inside a tetrahedron using recursive subdivision.(E,I)
21) How do you plot an implicit function such as x2+y2-1=0
using marching squares technique. Describe at least one case of the 16 cases.(DDD)
22) Write a short note on categorization of logical input
23) Briefly describe the three input modes with diagrams.(I)
24) What are display lists? How do you define and execute
them in OpenGL. How can you create multiple lists and call them with a single
function call.(D,I)