(questions struck off are not there)
1) What is RTOS? Explain the Basic functionalities used in Operating systems. 10 Marks
2) Explain different types of Operating systems. 10 Marks
3) Compare Threads and Process in detail. 10 Marks
4) Differentiate the following: Threads and Process and explain Thread preemption.10 Marks
5) Explain the factors for selecting a scheduling criterion/algorithm in Task scheduling process. 10 Marks
6) Explain the following Non-preemptive scheduling Process: i) FCFS/FIFO scheduling. 5Marks ii) LCFS/LIFO scheduling. 5Marks
7) Explain the following Non-preemptive scheduling: i) SJF scheduling. 5Marks ii) Priority Based scheduling. 5Marks
8) Explain the following preemptive scheduling Process: i) Preemptive SJF scheduling/SRT. 5Marks ii) Round Round (RR) scheduling. 5Marks
9) Explain Shared Memory Process in detail. 10 Marks
10) Explain Message Passing system in detail. 10 Marks
11) What is a deadlock? Explain where deadlock situation can arise and methods to avoid deadlocks. 10 Marks
12) Explain Dining Philosopher's Problem in detail. 10 Marks
13) Explain Producer-Consumer/Bounded Buffer Problem. 10 Marks
14) Explain Task synchronization Techniques. 10 Marks
15) Describe SEMOPHORE in detail. 10 Marks
16) Explain the role of Device driver in Embedded OS based Products.And describe the functional and non-functional requirements in using an RTOS. 10 Marks
17) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 10,5,7 milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together in order P1,P2,P3. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the FIFO scheduling. 10 Marks
18) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 6,4,2 milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together in order P1,P2,P3. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in RR algorithm with Time slice = 2ms. 10 Marks
19) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 12,10,2 milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together in order P2,P3,P1. A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 4 milliseconds enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 8 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Non-preemptive LIFO scheduling. 10 Marks.
20) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time6,8,2
milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together . A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 4 milliseconds enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 1 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Non-preemptive SJF scheduling. 10 Marks.
21) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 4,6,5
milliseconds and priorities 1,0,3 (0--Highest priority and 3-- Lowest priority) respectively enters the ready queue together. A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 6 milliseconds and priority 2 enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 5 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Non-preemptive Priority-Based scheduling. 10 Marks.
22) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 4,6,5
milliseconds and priorities 1,0,3 (0--Highest priority and 3-- Lowest priority) respectively enters the ready queue together. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Preemptive Priority-Based scheduling. 10 Marks.
23) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 12,10,6
milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together . A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 2 milliseconds enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 3 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the SRT scheduling. 10 Marks.
1) CASE STUDY: Telephone Answering Machine. Write the Theory of operation and requirements along with detailed specifications. 10 Marks
2) Explain briefly the procedure of evaluating operating system performance. 10 Marks
3) Describe various interprocess communication mechanisms. 10 Marks
4) Explain Rate-Monotonic scheduling under priority based scheduling. 10 Marks
5) Explain Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling under priority based scheduling. 10 Marks
6) Describe various platforms under preemptive Real-time operating systems and explain any two in detail. 10 Marks
7) Describe the following: I) CPU Metrics 5 Marks II)Timing requirements on process. 5 Marks
8) Define Tasks and process. Explain Multirate systems. 10 Marks
(questions struck off are not there)
1) What is RTOS? Explain the Basic functionalities used in Operating systems. 10 Marks
2) Explain different types of Operating systems. 10 Marks
4) Differentiate the following: Threads and Process and explain Thread preemption.10 Marks
6) Explain the following Non-preemptive scheduling Process: i) FCFS/FIFO scheduling. 5Marks ii) LCFS/LIFO scheduling. 5Marks
7) Explain the following Non-preemptive scheduling: i) SJF scheduling. 5Marks ii) Priority Based scheduling. 5Marks
8) Explain the following preemptive scheduling Process: i) Preemptive SJF scheduling/SRT. 5Marks ii) Round Round (RR) scheduling. 5Marks
9) Explain Shared Memory Process in detail. 10 Marks
10) Explain Message Passing system in detail. 10 Marks
11) What is a deadlock? Explain where deadlock situation can arise and methods to avoid deadlocks. 10 Marks
12) Explain Dining Philosopher's Problem in detail. 10 Marks
13) Explain Producer-Consumer/Bounded Buffer Problem. 10 Marks
15) Describe SEMOPHORE in detail. 10 Marks
16) Explain the role of Device driver in Embedded OS based Products.And describe the functional and non-functional requirements in using an RTOS. 10 Marks
17) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 10,5,7 milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together in order P1,P2,P3. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the FIFO scheduling. 10 Marks
18) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 6,4,2 milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together in order P1,P2,P3. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in RR algorithm with Time slice = 2ms. 10 Marks
19) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 12,10,2 milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together in order P2,P3,P1. A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 4 milliseconds enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 8 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Non-preemptive LIFO scheduling. 10 Marks.
20) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time6,8,2
milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together . A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 4 milliseconds enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 1 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Non-preemptive SJF scheduling. 10 Marks.
21) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 4,6,5
milliseconds and priorities 1,0,3 (0--Highest priority and 3-- Lowest priority) respectively enters the ready queue together. A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 6 milliseconds and priority 2 enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 5 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Non-preemptive Priority-Based scheduling. 10 Marks.
22) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 4,6,5
milliseconds and priorities 1,0,3 (0--Highest priority and 3-- Lowest priority) respectively enters the ready queue together. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the Preemptive Priority-Based scheduling. 10 Marks.
23) Three Processes with process ID's P1,P2,P3 with estimated completion time 12,10,6
milliseconds respectively enters the ready queue together . A new process P4 with estimated execution completion time 2 milliseconds enters the ready queue enters the ready queue after 3 milliseconds. Calculate the Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) for each process and the Average Waiting time and Turn Around Time(TAT) (Assuming there is no I/O waiting for the processes) in the SRT scheduling. 10 Marks.
1) CASE STUDY: Telephone Answering Machine. Write the Theory of operation and requirements along with detailed specifications. 10 Marks
2) Explain briefly the procedure of evaluating operating system performance. 10 Marks
3) Describe various interprocess communication mechanisms. 10 Marks
5) Explain Earliest-Deadline-First scheduling under priority based scheduling. 10 Marks
6) Describe various platforms under preemptive Real-time operating systems and explain any two in detail. 10 Marks
7) Describe the following: I) CPU Metrics 5 Marks II)Timing requirements on process. 5 Marks
8) Define Tasks and process. Explain Multirate systems. 10 Marks