Thursday, December 4, 2014

Embedded Computing Systems-10CS72-Question PaperDec/Jan,2014

Since the VTU scheme changed to 2010 in Aug,2013 there are only two question papers to refer to. Dec/jan 2014 and June/July 2014.
(Word Format)

1 a) What is an embedded system? Explain the purpose of ES? List its major application areas
 and give one example for each.-8M
b) Differentiate the following, with an example:
i) Microprocessor and microcontroller  
ii) Embedded system and general purpose computers.-6M
c) Write a requirement chart for digital camera.-3M
d) List challenges of embedded computing system design. Explain briefly any two challenges. -3M

2 a) What are the major difference between Von neuman and Harward architecture?-4M
b) Explain the following:
i) Restrictions of MUL instruction.
ii) Uses of MLA instruction
iii) Register indirect addressing in ARM.
iv) Write a ARM assembly code for below C- statement z=(x|22) and (y>>2)
v) Disadvantages of busy-wait IO.-7M
c) What is an interrupt? Explain with neat diagram the interrupt mechanism.-5M
d) Solve the following:
i) What is the average memory access time of machine whose hit rate is 93% with cache
 access time of 5ns and main memory access time is 80ns.-4M
ii) Calculate cache hit rate, if the cache access time is 5ns, average memory access
 time is 6.5 ns and main memory access time is 80ns.-4M

3 a) Explain with a neat diagram, the bus with a DMA controller.-5M
b) Explain the following briefly:
I) Counter
ii) Watchdog Timer
iii) Break point
iv) Timer-4M
c) Differentiate PCI and USB by their characteristics.-3M
d) Assume that the bus has a 1MHz bus clock period, width is 2 bytes per transfer, data 
transfer itself takes 1 clock cycles, address and handshaking signals before data is 2 clock
 cycles and sending ACK after data is 1 clock cycles
i) What is the total transfer time in clock cycles to transfer a total 612000 bytes of data?
ii) What is the total burst mode transfer time in clock cycle, if B=2 byte with 2 byte wide
iii) Calculate the total real time to transfer data.-8M
4 a) Consider the following ARM assembly code, which illustrate some sample C statement.
r0,a R1,b R2,r0,r1 R2,w R0,c R1,d R2,r0,r1 R2,x R1,e R0,r1,r2 R0,u R0,a R1,b R2,r1,r0 R2,z
Answer the following:
I) Write the sample C code fragment for the above ARM assembly code.
ii) Draw a lifetime graph that shows uses of register in register allocation for the above 
C statement
iii) Modify the obtained C code statement using operator scheduling for register allocation
iv) Draw a lifetime graph for the modified 'C' code appear.
v) Write a ARM assembly code for the modified 'C' code using register allocation.-10M
b) Consider the following 'C' code segment
else x=a-b;
I) Write CDFG for the above 'C' statement
ii) Generate the ARM assembly code for the above 'C' statement.-7M
c) Explain briefly different types of performance measures on programs.-3M
5 a) What is RTOS? Explain with an example the hard real time and soft real time.-6M
b) Differentiate process and threads. What are the parameters of PCB of a process? Why 
should each process have a distinct PCB?-8M
c) What is the significance of spin lock?-2M
d) What is semaphores? Explain briefly the different types of semaphores?-8M

6 a) Explain with neat diagram, the concept of memory mapped object.-8M
b) Explain the following:
I) Message passing
ii) Remote procedure call for IPC.-6M
c) What are the factors needs to be evaluated in selection of an RTOS? Explain.-6M

7 a) Explain with neat diagram the various fields of IP packet.-8M
b) List the features of internet LAN.-4M
c) With neat diagram, explain the various fields of CAN frame.-6M
d) Briefly explain any two features of HTTP protocols.-2M

8 a) Explain the following
I) Simulator
ii) Target system
iii) Debugging
iv) Logic analyzer-8M
b) Explain features advantages and limitations of simulator based debugging.-6M
c) Explain the types of multitasking.-6M
Typographical errors are regretted.... 

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