Monday, April 6, 2015

Management and Entrepreneurship - II nd Internal Question Bank


(1) Explain in brief the various types of departmentation. 

(2) What do you mean by span of control? Explain the factors affecting span of 

(3) Distinguish between (a) Authority and responsibility. (b) Delegation and 

(4) Authority can be delegated but not responsibility. Comment on this 

(5) Explain in brief the centralization and decentralization. 

(6) Write a note on Management by objectives. 

(7) Explain the features of MBO. 
(8) Explain in brief the steps involved in MBO. 

(9) Write a note on benefits of MBO. 

(10) Explain in brief the nature and importance of staffing. 

(11) Explain various sources of recruitment. 

(12) Explain the steps involved in selection process. 


1. Explain in brief the concept of entrepreneur. 

2. Give various definitions of entrepreneur. 

3. Enumerate the characteristics of entrepreneur. 

4. Distinguish between entrepreneur and manager. 

5. Write a note on technical entrepreneur. 

6. What are the rewards and penalties for entrepreneurs? 

7. Explain in brief the functions of entrepreneur. 

8. Explain in brief classification of entrepreneurs. 

9. Distinguish between entrepreneur and Intrapreneur. 

10. Write a note on ultrapreneur. 

11. Explain in brief the evolution of concept of entrepreneurship in India. 

12. Explain in brief the role of entrepreneurship in economic development. 

13. Explain in brief the stages in entrepreneurial process. 

14. Write a note on barriers of entrepreneurship.

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