Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Question Bank- ACA- VII A & B- 1st Internal

1) Explain various classes of computers? And the 7 dimensions of ISA?

2) Write a note on recent trends in computer design or explain trends in technology?

3) What is Amdahl’s law? Explain in detail with example?

4) What is trends in performance of parallel computers. Explain in detail.

5) How to measure and report the performance of the parallel computing systems?

6) What is a structural Hazard? Explain with a neat diagram?

7) What is a data hazard? Explain with a neat diagram?

8) What is control hazard? Explain with a neat diagram?

9) Explain the implementation of MIPS pipeline with a neat diagram?

10) What are the types of dependencies? Explain the data dependencies?

11) Explain the name dependencies?

12) Explain the control dependencies?