Sunday, November 30, 2014

Advanced Computer Architecture-June/July2014-VTU-Question Paper

1a) Define computer architecture. List and explain four important technologies, which lead to improvements in computer systems. 10M
b) Find the number of dies per 300 mm wafer for a die that is 1.5 cm on a side. 2M
c) Define Amdahls law. Derive an expression for CPU clock as a function of instruction count, clock per instruction and clock cycle time.-8M

2 a) List three major hurdles of pipelining. Explain the concept of minimizing data hazards stalls by forwarding. -10M
b) Briefly explain how the MIPS instructions can be implemented in at most five clock cycles. -5M
c) List and explain five different ways of classifying exceptions in a computer system.-5M

3a) What is instruction level parallelism? Explain control dependence using code fragment.-8M
3b) Explain the states in 2-bit prediction scheme used for dynamic branch prediction. -6M
3c) With a neat diagram, explain the basic structure of a MIPS floating point unit using Tomasulo's algorithm.-6M

4a) With a neat diagram, explain the four steps involved in executing instructions using hardware based speculation.-10M
b) What is branch target buffer? With a neat diagram, explain the steps when using branch target buffer for a simple five stage pipeline.-10M

5 a) To achieve a speedup of 80 with 100 processors what fraction of the original computation can be sequential?-4M
b) Explain the two cache coherence protocols used for enforcing coherence.-6M
c) Explain directory based cache coherence for a distributed memory multiprocessor system along with the state transition diagram.-10M

6 a) List and explain any four basic cache optimization techniques.-10M
b) With a neat diagram explain the translation buffer of fast address translation.-10M

7 a) List any five advanced optimizations of chache performance and explain briefly the compiler optimization to reduce miss rate.-10M
b) Explain briefly how memory protection is enforced via virtual memory and via virtual machines.-10M

8 a) Explain the architecture of IA64 intel processor and also the prediction and speculation support provided.-10M
b) Write short notes on benchmarks.-5M
c) Explain the internal organization of 64M bit RAM.-5M

Accuracy of the above question paper is not guaranteed.
View all units question bank(ACA from july2010 upto july2012).... here.

Embedded Computing Systems-10CS72-Question-Paper -June/July-2014

1a) Give the characteristics and constraints of embedded system.-4M
b) Explain the challenges in embedded computing system design.-8M
c) Define design methodology. Explain the embedded system design process.-8M

2a) Differentiate between the Harvard and von-Neumann architecture.-5M
b) Define ARM processor, Explain advanced ARM features.-7M
c) What is pipelining? Explain the C55x of a seven stages pipeline with a neat diagram of ARM instructions.-8M

3 a) Write the major components of bus protocol. Explain the burst read transaction with a timing diagram.-8M
b) Describe: I) Timer    ii) Cross compiler   iii) Logic analyzer.-6M
c) With a neat sketch, explain the glue logic interface.-6M

4a) Explain the circular buffers for embedded programs.-4M
b) With a neat sketch, explain the role of assemblers and linkers in compilation process.-8M
c) Explain with example, the techniques in optimizing. -8M

5 a) What is RTOS? List and explain the different services of RTOS.-10M
b) Describe the concept of multithreading and write the comparison between thread and process.-10M

6a) Define blocking and nonblocking communication. Explain the two styles of interprocess comminication, with a example.-10M
b) What are the assumptions for the performance of a real system running processes? Mention the factors that effect context switching time and interrupt latency.-10M

7a) With a neat sketch, explain the CAN data frame format and typical bus transactions on the I2C Bus.-10M
b) Explain the ethernet packet format and IP packet structure.-10M

8a) What is a simulator? Explain the features, advantages and limitations of simulator based debugging.-10M
b) What are the improvements over firmware software debugging? Explain.-10M

Accuracy of the above question paper is not guaranteed

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Advanced Computer Architecture--- IIIrd Internal

1) Define amdahl's law and calculate overall speedup using amdahl's law. Given that a new CPU, which is 20 times faster than the original CPU, on computation, is additionally introduced, the original CPU is busy with computations 80% of the time and an i/o time is 80.

2) Define the dependability?

Assume a disk subsystem with following components and an MTTF.

-> 10 disks, each rated at 1,000,000 hours MTTF

-> 1 SCSI controller, 500,000 hours MTTF

->1 power supply, 200,000 hours MTTF

-> 1 fan, 200,000 hours MTTF

-> 1 SCSI cable 1,000,000 hours MTTF

Find the sum of Failure rate of the computer system and the overall MTTF of the system?

3) What are the trends in cost? Find the no of dies in a 300mm(30 cm) wafer for dies that is 1.5 cm on a side?

4) What are the trends in power technology? Find the die yield for dies that are 1.5 cm on a side and 1.0 cm on other side. Assume the defect density is 0.4 /cm2 and α is 4.

5) Explain the control hazard under the different clock cycles?

6) Explain the data dependencies and draw the graph for trends in technology?

7) Explain the addressing modes?

8) Explain dynamic branch prediction? And explain correlating branch predictors?

9) Explain overcoming data hazards with dynamic scheduling?

10) Draw a diagram of the basic structure of a MIPS floating point unit using Tomasulo’s algorithm with a few points explanation.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014



UNIT – 6

  1. CASE STUDY: Telephone Answering Machine. Write the Theory of operation and requirements along with detailed specifications. 10 Marks
  2. Explain briefly the procedure of evaluating operating system performance.10M
  3. Describe various interprocess communication mechanisms. 10 Marks
  4. Explain Power Management and optimization for processes. 10 Marks
  5. Describe the following: I) CPU Metrics 5 Marks II) Timing requirements on process. 5 Marks

  1. CASE STUDY: Elevator Controller. Write the Theory of operation and requirements and architecture of elevator system. 10 Marks
  2. what is Internet? Describe Internet-Enabled systems in detail. 10 Marks
  3. What is Ethernet? Describe its functionalities in detail. 10 Marks
  4. Describe commonly used embedded networks in detail 10 Marks
  5. Describe network abstraction and message passing programming in distributed embedded architectures. 10 Marks
  6. Explain the hardware and software architectures of distributed embedded architectures. 10 Marks
  7. Define Automotive Networks with Example briefly. 10Marks
  8. How do we design a Distributed embedded system around a network. 10 Marks
  9. Describe various Networks used for Embedded systems and explain I²C BUS in detail 10 Marks.
  10. With a neat sketch, explain the CAN data frame format and typical bus transactions on the IC bus. 10 Marks
  11. Explain Ethernet format and IP structure 10 Marks