Friday, October 5, 2012

SA-IInd Internal

II nd Internal Question Bank-Computer Science & Engg

1)                  What do you mean by Architectural Pattern? How is it categorized? Explain with examples?

2)                  Explain the context, problem and solution for Layered Pattern?

3)                  Explain the implementation of Layered Pattern?

4)                  Explain the dynamic behaviors of Layered Application Pattern?

5)                  Explain the set of forces which influences on the solution of layered pattern.

6)                  Explain the benefits and consequences of Layered Pattern.

7)                  Define Pipes and Filters pattern? Explain with an example?

8)                  Explain the solution structure of pipes and filters?

9)                  Discuss the consequences of pipes and filters?

10)              Discuss the various scenarios of Pipes and Filters with a neat diagram.

11)              Discuss the benefits and liabilities of pipes anf filters?

12)              With a CRC card, explain the structures of Broker Architecture?

13)              Discuss the various steps involved in implementation of Blackboard?

14)              Explain the solution structures of Blackboard?

15)              What do you mean by Distributed System? Why is it Important? Explain with an example?

16)              What is Broker Architecture? What are the steps involved in implementation of broker Architecture?

17)              Discuss the dynamic behaviors of Broker Architecture?

18)              Explain the implementation of MVC?

19)              Explain the structural components of PAC with a CRC card?

20)              What is MVC? Discuss context, problem and solution of MVC?

21)              Write short notes on : HEARSAY-II and TEE and JOIN PIPELINE SYSTEM.

22)              Explain the various scenarios of PAC?

23)              Define PAC? Explain context, problem and solution of it?

24)              Explain the solution structure for MVC? How they are related?

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