Friday, March 6, 2015

Management and Entrepreneurship - 10AL61 - Ist Internal Question Bank

Management and Entrepreneurship
Ist internal Question Bank
 (Regret the large number of questions with repetitions/overlap but i calculated totally 162 marks out of which 80 marks will be asked so its not much as a number of questions are for less marks)
Unit-I Management
  1. Define Management. Mention levels of management. Substantiate the statement that management is both science and art. -10
  2. What are the nature and characteristics of management? Explain its functions. -8
  3. What are the modern management approaches? Explain briefly the contingency approach of management. -7
  4. Explain the contributions of F.W. Taylor to scientific management process. -10
  5. Explain the different skills and their importance at different levels of management. -8
  6. Explain the various roles of management. -5
  7. Explain the nature and characteristics of management. -8
  8. What are the nature and characteristics of management? -7
  9. Mention the contribution and limitations of scientific management. -4
  10. Write a note on development of management as a subject. -10
  11. Distinguish between management and administration. -5
  12. Briefly describe the general principles of management as laid down by Henri Fayol. -8
Unit-II Planning
  1. Describe the reasons which make planning process, an important activity in management. -7
  2. Explain the steps that are generally required in planning process. -10
  3. What is planning? Give the importance and purpose of planning. -6
  4. Briefly explain the types of planning. -4
  5. Explain hierarchy of plans. -4
  6. Differentiate between programmed and non-programmed decisions. -3
  7. State and explain the steps in decision making. -7
  8. Differentiate between strategic and tactical planning. -5
  9. Bring out the nature and importance of planning. Explain the different forms of planning. -10
  10. Explain the various problems that managers face while making decisions. -6
  11. What are single use and standing plans? Explain with examples. -4
  1. Discuss the importance and limitations of planning. -5
  2. Explain the process and steps involved in decision-making. -6
  3. What are the types of decisions? Explain with example. -5
Unit-III Organizing
    1. What is line and staff organization? -8
    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of line and staff organization? -8
    3. State and explain the principles of organization. -10

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