Thursday, March 26, 2015

Questionnaire for alumni - NBA - Accreditation

Questionnaire for Alumni

1. Which year did you graduate from ________(our) Engineering College?

2. What is your current academic/professional career status?
·         Employed
¨       Government
¨       Private Sector
¨       Self Employed
·         Unemployed
·         Pursuing higher Education
·         Doing Certificate Courses
·         Undergoing Training

3.  When were you first employed?
·         Just Before Graduation
·         <6 months after graduation
·         6 months to 1 year after graduation
·         >1 year after graduation

4. Have you appeared for any competitive exam for admission to higher studies.
·         GATE
·         GRE
·         CAT
·         TOEFL
·         GMAT
·         Others(Specify)
·         None
5. How comfortable were you during the training /probationary period of  your first employment.
·         Uncomfortable
·         Just Comfortable
·         Comfortable
·         Very Comfortable
6. Did you pass the training within the stipulated period?
·         Yes
·         1st Extension
·         2nd Extension
·         Not applicable
7. Have you applied knowledge of mathematics, science, basic engineering and computing, fundamentals in solving Engineering problems?
·         Very Much
·         Quite a bit
·         Little
·         Very little
8. State the nature of projects completed
·         Design and development
·         Improved Performance
·         Application of New technology/Platform
·         Cost Effective Strategies
9. What is your progress in the employment in –terms of promotion?
·         Initial Employment
·         I Promotion
·         II Promotion
·         Team Lead
·         Project Manager
·         Shifted to other Jobs
10. Do you use modern tools/technologies to meet the current job requirements?
·         Yes
Specify if any

·         No
11. What is your team size when working on a project/Module?
·         0-5
·         6-10
·         11-24
·         25 and above
12. What is your portfolio in the team?
·         Manager
·         Team Lead
·         Group Lead
·         Team Member
13. To what extent did the course................................. help you develop the following (related to critical and creative thinking)?

Please tick
To a great Extent
To a moderate extent
To a small extent
Not at all
Ability to analyze and judge

Identify problems and find solutions

Ability to think in
Innovative way

Ability to apply knowledge

14. To what extent did the Course on … you develop the following (related to professional and ethical behavior)?
Please tick
To a great Extent
To a moderate extent
To a small extent
Not at all
Ability to work as a team member

Ability to demonstrate leadership.

My ability to demonstrate personal organization and time management

Ability to understand the ethical and technical context of professional obligations
and contributions

Exhibit skills in effective oral and written communication and critical thinking,

15. Do you agree that the knowledge you acquired in the program in....................... prepared you for your professional or academic career after graduation.
·                     Strongly Agree
·                     Moderately Agree
·                     Slightly disagree
·                     strongly disagree

16. Overall, I feel that the course.................... met my expectations
·                     Strongly Agree
·                     Moderately Agree
·                     Slightly disagree
·                     strongly disagree

17. Have you attended short courses/workshops, training programs or conference?

Yes                                          No

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